There is not a dog that cannot be groomed. Whether it’s a disabled dog, an elderly dog, an aggressive dog, or a very young dog being groomed for the first time, all dogs handled properly can be successfully groomed.
You will find that knowledge of dog behavior is very valuable, but even the first-time owner can be successful by watching the dog’s body language. Some dogs will be very vocal in their protests. They are generally the easier ones to read and are less likely to snap or bite. Watch for things like a curling lip, guttural growling, ears held back or up, excessive panting. These are all signs that the dog could become panicked enough to bite. Most dogs that will bite give you very little warning, so keep a sharp look out. The majority of dogs that bite generally will not bite you as much as the equipment you’re using. Example – the brush, the comb, the clipper, and most dangerous of all, the scissors.
Safety for you and the dog is key. While patience is a virtue, it is a must in handling the special needs dog. It is very important to keep the dog relaxed. Dogs’ fear of the unknown and of being hurt is what makes it difficult to groom them easily.
A soft reassuring and constant voice will help settle and calm the dog. As for all, but especially the deaf and blind dog, a soft gentle touch will help remove anxiety. Puppies may require little extra cuddling, while a panicked and aggressive dog may require restraint and a firm tone of voice before it realizes it will not get hurt.
Some medication can help in alleviating some of an aggressive dog’s anxieties. Your vet can prescribe some sedatives to help you groom your dog. But often, dogs that have been sedated, generally are harder to handle. While medication does relax them, they are much quicker to startle and they panic even more, although they also settle just as quickly.
Besides having a great deal of patience to groom a special-needs dog, you must have the time. Allow a great deal of extra time than it would take for doing a dog without any problems. If you don’t have the time or patience, take your dog to a professional pet grooming Brickell salon. Most dogs can be groomed within two hours from start to finish. A special-needs dog could require double that amount of time.