An invention is a creation that someone has come up with. It can be a process, a tool or a product.
Inventions are often described as being “new and useful,” although the term “novelty” may be used in some countries. The criteria for determining whether an invention is novel are not always clear-cut. Sometimes it’s obvious whether something is new and useful, other times, it’s not so clear.
Invention ideas come from many different places — from people who have problems they want solved or needs they want met, from new ways of doing things that they think might be better than old ones, or from ideas they’ve seen elsewhere and think could be improved upon. Inventors also come up with new technologies that were previously unknown but become known through the patent process because of the inventor’s efforts to bring them into public view as explained in https://www.fashiongonerogue.com/top-inventions-changed-world-fashion-forever/ article.
Inventors can come from any background, but most are highly intelligent people who have either a natural gift for problem-solving or an interest in science.
It’s also helpful to have some business experience, but it isn’t necessary. Inventors are usually people who have a strong desire to make the world a better place. They want to see their ideas put into practice, so they take action by filing for a patent and developing their products.
Inventors are often very creative and have a deep understanding of science. They use this knowledge to create new products or processes that can be used by other people. There are so many ways in which tech inventors have changed our lives and the way we live. From computers, phones and tablets to artificial intelligence, virtual reality and robotics, the world is changing faster than ever before. Inventors are responsible for many of these changes as they work on improving existing products or developing new ones altogether.