It is never impossible to save a marriage and stop divorce from taking place. A marriage is no more than the sum total of the two people involved in it. It requires both parties to want to save the marriage if the marriage is to survive. If one person categorically wants a divorce then the marriage is over. However in most cases, both people want to try and preserve things and it only takes the actions of one of them to start looking for solutions. If you actively seek to restore your marriage, your partner is likely to give your attempts a chance.
There are some common symptoms which demonstrate that a marriage is ailing. These include constant quarreling or extended periods of zero communication between you. You can work to save your marriage as soon as these alarm bells begin to sound. Don’t wait for things to reach a place of irreversible breakdown. You should act especially quickly if you or your partner starts to look beyond the marriage for comfort or companionship or sexual validity.
You should talk to your partner as soon as you see that your marriage is heading for the rocks. Let your partner know that you value the marriage and even though things have got bad of late, you love him/her and want to do whatever is required to save your marriage. Try to address some of the problems such as trying to find ways in which you can share more quality time as a couple. Join a social group or a sports club together.
Go and get help if you need it. With some professional intervention you can quiet possibly avoid divorce. There are many organizations that specialize in working with married couples. You can get help from private couples therapy NYC.
Your partner may need some extra convincing before taking this route. However, you should attend without them if necessary. They may be able to be persuaded a little later when they see that you are committed to the process.