Real estate agents out there are focused on gathering as many leads as possible from all areas they would expect and from places that they don’t expect. As times are changing real estate agents have shifted their perspective to finding leads through the web rather then doing a face to face with someone. Lets face it anywhere in the US whether it may be California, Texas, Miami, or New York a real estate agent always has a hard time to meeting a person face to face and getting to the ‘hey i am an agent and if you have a house let me know.’ The person then usually says ‘sure, thanks’ and probably never really reaches out again.
Living in 2021, now all house have cameras and that ‘keep away’ sign outside the door. So door knocking isn’t so welcoming or safe now a days either. This is why real estate agents are now focused on attracting clients to them instead of reaching out to every single person out there. And how do they do this? Easy, by the web.
In this case real estate agents can start a blog and rank their way up to the ‘best real estate agent’ in their location.
Many recommend using WordPress website for your real estate website because unlike anything out there this one is actually company built, by a great web design company not just freelancers. And with real estate website providers like Easy Agent Pro it has never been easier as explained on this Easy Agent Pro websites review. Tips For Blogging in Real Estate:
WordPress Newsletter + Subscribers List
Find a good subscribers list plugin so you can mail out new blogs or updated newsletters to subscribers. The one I recommend for all real estate agents would be MailPoet. You can look that up in the WordPress Plugins section.
WordPress Social Icons
If you want to have a successful blog you can’t skip your social buttons. The more blog shares you have the better rank you will go up to and more people will know about your website. I recommend Simple Share Buttons Adder by David Neal (I think the authors name is). I’m using this one, really easy to add and works great.
Don’t forget to embed that video
Inside your text window click the text tab instead of the visual that you’re on and paste in your embedded code.
Map it out with Google
Just like I taught you above how to embed your video follow the same instructions to add that google map of your location on your contact page.
Vimeo = Better Quality then Youtube
My view. Youtube is faster, cheaper, and lower quality. Vimeo seems a bit more professional and you get a better picture.
MLS Plugin
WordPress plugins of course include the MLS plugin! Don’t forget to get one.